Atomised ferrosilicon 15% is manufactured by melting fesi 75% ferrosilicon
with premium scrap steel in an induction furnace. The melt is then blown into
small particles by high pressure water jetting system. It is then dried and
sieved into different grades and packaged as per customer’s request.
Atomised fesi has the following properties:
(a) resistance to abrasion,
(b) resistance to corrosion,
(c) high specific gravity,
(d) magnetism, which allows easy magnetic recovery with subsequent easy
Material Data Sheet
Fe: 80% min, Si: 14-16%, Mn: 0.8% max, Cr: 0.6% max, Cu: 0.5% max,
P: 0.10% max, S: 0.05% max
Particle Size Distribution
Grade | coarse | fine | cyclone 60 | cyclone 40 |
+212 (microns) | 2-4 (%) | 1-3 | 0-0 | 0-0 |
-212+150 | 5-9 | 3-7 | 0-1 | 0-0 |
-150+106 | 11-15 | 8-12 | 0-3 | 0-0 |
-106+75 | 15-21 | 13-17 | 2-4 | 1-3 |
-75+45 | 20-26 | 19-25 | 20-24 | 10-14 |
-45 | 32-42 | 42-50 | 68-78 | 82-90 |
Non-Magnestics: 0.5% Max
Density: 6.7-7.1
Packing: 1mt, 2mt, or iron drums as per request